Performance evaluation activities are carried out in the office by the evaluation team at the end of the inventory survey period. The performance evaluation process is carried out by matching the values contained in the following table (sourced from the guidelines for the management of built river infrastructure assets) with the values contained in the Inventory Blanks. The final goal of the identification process is the decision on the next OP follow-up action, whether the river infrastructure concerned requires preventive, corrective or rehabilitative maintenance.
Performance evaluation is an evaluation activity carried out continuously from year to year within the OP implementing unit, with the following objectives:
- As an instrument of accountability in the use of OP funds and budgets.
- As a control instrument for the Directorate of Supervisors regarding OP funds and budgets that have been handed over to the OP Implementing Unit.
- As an evaluation instrument for the OP implementing unit so that better performance is created from year to year.
- As an assessment instrument to what extent the OP unit has succeeded in providing better services to the community.
Performance evaluation is carried out using the periodic reporting method. The content of the report contains information on the achievement of OP SDA strategic objectives and targets, the achievement of predetermined performance indicators, adequate explanations of performance achievements or failures.
Performers of Performance Evaluation The performers of the performance evaluation activity are the Head of the OP Implementing Unit which is then forwarded to the Head of the Office for submission to the Supervising Directorate.
Performance Evaluation Indicators Performance evaluation must be based on the results of monitoring several indicators relevant to the objectives of OP SDA. Relevant indicators are compiled with the aim of being easily measurable through several clear and understandable parameters for all lines within the OP organization unit as well as the wider community. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of OP SDA implementation covers several factors as mentioned in the following four main factors:
- Organizational capacity, which is how much capacity the resources owned by the OP implementing unit have. This factor is closely related to the inputs received/owned by the organization.
- Organizational productivity. This factor is not only related to the level of efficiency, or the ratio between input and output, but also the effectiveness of services or the ratio between input and outcome.
- Service Quality. This factor is related to the level of community satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the services provided by the OP implementing unit
- Responsiveness. This factor is related to the responsiveness of the OP implementing unit to environmental situations outside the organization, or the willingness of the OP implementing unit to hear and accommodate reports of complaints, expectations and aspirations expressed by the community, which is the ability of the OP unit to recognize and respond to priority needs of the community as shown in the agenda and priority of public service and program development.
For an organization, performance is the result of the collaborative activities of members or organizational components in order to realize organizational goals. Simply put, performance is the product of collaborative activities to achieve goals, which is usually called management.
Organizational performance is not only influenced by input factors, but is also strongly influenced by the administrative and management processes that take place. No matter how good the available inputs are, they will not produce the expected performance product satisfactorily, if the administrative and management processes cannot run well. There is a close relationship between input and process, and it is very crucial in generating a performance output that meets expectations or not. Therefore, input indicators and process indicators are just as important as output indicators and outcome indicators in evaluating organizational performance.
If categorized, the factors that must be considered in carrying out performance appraisal are:
a. Input (related to capital).
b. Process (related to implementation management).
c. Output (related to the efficiency of realization).
d. Outcome (related to community satisfaction).