Kuala Kampar Beach Security SID

The work location is on the coast in Kuala Kampar District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. Kuala Kampar District is spread across separate locations bordered by islands with 9 villages and 1 sub-district. The largest island is Mendol or Penyalai Island where the capital of Kuala Kampar District is located, namely Teluk Dalam Village. On this island there are 6 villages and 1 sub-district, one village on Serapung Island and two villages on the side of Sumatra Island, namely Sokoi Village and Sungai Emas Village which also border Indragiri Hilir Regency. On Mendol Island there is a DIR under the authority of the center, namely DIR Sei Upih with an area of ​​4200 Ha and DIR Sei. Solok with an area of ​​3020 Ha. Both of these Swamp Irrigation Areas are classified as Hydrotopography A so that they are greatly influenced by the ebb and flow of sea water.
Hydrodynamic conditions of the waters around Mendol Island. Seen when the condition where the water level reaches the maximum height, the water current around the island looks calmer and when the time of the maximum water level is approaching low tide, the current speed starts to increase to > 0.84 m / s in the West season.
Hydrodynamic conditions of the waters around Mendol Island. Seen when the lowest low tide conditions, the water current around the island also looks calmer and when the time of the maximum water level is approaching high tide, the current speed starts to increase to > 0.96 m / s, especially in the strait on Mendol Island in the West season.
From the results of the analysis of both primary and secondary data and the needs at the location, the coastal protection design at the work location is planned to consist of Revetment, Breakwater, Jetty and Groin.

Bodri River Zoning

Recently, mining activities in the Bodri River, especially in the river area, have become increasingly concerning. Of course, if left unchecked, this will damage the river body, river channels, cause degradation of the river bed which can result in landslides of river embankments and river buildings and other buildings in the river.

Mining is carried out by local communities traditionally in the dry season or by entrepreneurs using heavy equipment (back hoe). Miners in the Bodri River do not yet have permits. Based on the above, the extraction of mining commodities in the Bodri River causes environmental damage.

The river area in the form of river boundaries is severely damaged. This condition is very disturbing to the surrounding community, the environment and ecosystem are damaged. On the one hand, traditional mining benefits the community because it is a source of income during the dry season, on the other hand, the ecosystem and environment are damaged if mining is carried out using heavy equipment without following the correct procedures.

Based on the results of data collection, compilation and analysis of regulations, territorial and technical analysis related to the planning area in the Bodri River, the following main conclusions can be identified: 1. The results of field inventory activities throughout the scope of this zoning activity, found that there were seven transverse/longitudinal buildings, including: 5 bridges, 1 check dam and 1 weir. The river facilities and infrastructure that were damaged were: ❖ Kali Putih Check Dam was built in 2017 and experienced damage to the check dam wall in 2019. Where ± 90 meters upstream and ± 60 meters downstream of the check dam building there were mining activities. ❖ Gabion upstream of the Singorojo Bridge was built in 2020 and was damaged in 2022. Where ± 400 meters downstream of the gabion building there were mining activities. ❖ Singorojo Bridge experienced erosion/landslides on the riverbank under the bridge. Where ± 325 meters downstream of the Singorojo Bridge there are mining activities.

2. From 11 (eleven) observation points, mining activities were found that did not have permits. These activities are in the form of manual extraction and also involve heavy equipment such as excavators and transport trucks.

3. Based on data from the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Service of Central Java Province in 2023, it is known that there are permit holders located on the Bodri River (in the study area). Including 3 IUP holding companies that are in the exploration permit stage and 2 companies are in the reserve permit stage.

4. Manual mining and heavy equipment until now still cause damage to river walls and cliffs and cause changes in river morphology, including erosion and sedimentation in several places.

Based on the analysis, there are quite significant changes in river morphology or flow based on a comparison of the digitization of the Bodri River trough boundary in 2015 with aerial photo mapping in 2023. Based on the results of the overlay analysis of the Bodri River trough boundary in 2015 with aerial photo mapping in 2023, it is known that there is a change in the river trough boundary of 4,322 meters in length, a change in the shift in the width of the river ranging from 2 meters to 250 meters (which has exceeded the width of the river boundary) and a height/thickness ranging from ± 2 meters. 6. The potential rate of sediment potential in the Bodri Watershed is 447,203.74 tons/year. This material is a general input to the sedimentation balance in the Bodri River (study segment 24.5 km), while the Suspended Load Discharge based on the calibration of laboratory sample test results for one year is 300,624.58 tons/year where this result is the sedimentation input of the Bodri River at the activity location. 7. The results of observations and interviews in the field show that the estimated volume of excavation/mining in the form of sand and stone is estimated at 576,700 tons/year, where this result is the output of sedimentation of the Bodri River at the activity location. This value includes observation points and also mining locations, including. 8. Based on the geological review and field observations, it can be concluded that mining materials in the form of sand and stone come from the right and left of the riverbank that has experienced landslides. This is because the Bodri Watershed does not produce sand and stone material input as volcanic products. 9. Based on the multicriteria analysis, it can be seen that the level of river damage, both in the river body and on the riverbank, shows moderate and severe damage due to mining, both manual mining and using heavy equipment, so that it is not allowed to carry out material/mining activities in the Bodri River planning area from the Lutut River in Kaliputih Village, Singorojo District to the Bodri River in Puguh Village, Pegandon District. In addition, the damaged condition of the river body and boundaries cannot recover naturally due to mining activities in the Bodri River.

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28/PRT/2015 concerning the Determination of River Boundary Lines and Lake Boundary Lines, the boundary line on the Bodri River is set at a width of 100 m on the right and left of the riverbed. 11. The results of the analysis of flood inundation with annual Q50 at the study location (segment length 24.5 km) showed that in general the area of ​​flood inundation is within the boundary line (100 m on the right and left from the edge of the riverbed). However, several agricultural lands, plantations, and residential areas located within the river boundaries are potentially affected by flooding.

AKNOP Minahasa River Manado

The implementation of operations and maintenance on rivers, including their facilities/infrastructure, plays an important role in the life cycle of River Basin infrastructure. In the process, a River infrastructure needs to be assessed for performance in order to carry out improvements/maintenance and refinement of the operational process on an ongoing basis in order to obtain optimal river infrastructure performance. Performance assessment is a process of identifying problems, analyzing, and evaluating which is carried out independently, objectively and professionally based on observations in the field to assess the reliability of the performance of an infrastructure system. In this case, an assessment is carried out on existing river facilities/infrastructure and comparing them with standard performance indicators. By carrying out performance assessment activities, we can obtain real data on river infrastructure in the field and its problems. The Real Operation and Maintenance Needs Figure (AKNOP) provides justification and estimation of the operation and maintenance activities to be carried out including the cost components. AKNOP is a reference for the implementation of operation and maintenance activities of river infrastructure. The diversity of infrastructure, scope of OP activities and differences in unit prices in each region are separate problems in the preparation of AKNOP. Formulation of problems and application of solutions to problems in the field are part of the process of increasing river utilization as well as utilization of water resources. In relation to the above, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing through the Sulawesi I River Region Office, Sulawesi I SDA Operation and Maintenance Work Unit, considers it necessary to have activities to Prepare Performance Assessments and River AKNOP in Manado City, Minahasa Regency, North Minahasa Regency with the hope that in the process of operation and maintenance of river facilities and infrastructure function optimally and sustainably

Based on the conclusions obtained from the work of the River Performance Assessment and AKNOP Compilation Work in Manado City, Minahasa Regency, and North Minahasa Regency, several things that can be immediately followed up as recommendations for this work are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to immediately form a river management institution in Manado City, Minahasa Regency, and North Minahasa Regency which is fully responsible for the Operation and Maintenance (OP) activities of rivers in Manado City, Minahasa Regency, and North Minahasa Regency.
  2. Maintenance activities for river facilities and infrastructure in Manado City, Minahasa Regency, and North Minahasa Regency can be immediately followed up with Detailed Rehabilitation Design activities, both independently and contractually

Supervision of Keuliling Reservoir Rehabilitation

Keuliling River is one of the sub-basins of the Krueng Aceh Watershed which has a large water potential to increase the provision of raw water in order to meet the water needs of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. Based on the study of the development of the Krueng Aceh watershed in 1996, the construction of the Keuliling Reservoir, in addition to meeting the water needs for irrigation of the Krueng Aceh Extension and Krueng Jreue covering an area of ​​3,159.30 Ha, can also support the increase in the area of ​​rain-fed rice fields into technically irrigated rice fields, namely the Keuliling Hilir District covering an area of ​​1,053 Ha, and the Keuliling Hulu District covering an area of ​​578.20 Ha. In addition to raw water and irrigation, the Keuliling Reservoir can be used as an alternative location for sports facilities, including rowing while maintaining the eligibility criteria in accordance with applicable standards.

The location of the Keuliling Reservoir Rehabilitation Supervision Work is located in Cot Glie District, Aceh Besar Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, which is ± 35 km from the center of Banda Aceh towards Medan and can be reached by four-wheeled vehicles within 1 hour.

In the landscape arrangement of Keuliling Reservoir, it refers to the applicable rules and regulations as discussed more fully in the Landscape Report. In addition, it also takes into account existing conditions in the field and the results of coordination and discussions with related parties, especially the directors of the work and the Keuliling Reservoir Dam Management Unit (UPB) as the manager. Several conclusions that can be drawn from the Keuliling Reservoir landscape arrangement plan are:

1. There is a disposal area for landfills that have been leveled with heavy equipment around the Keuliling Reservoir pool as a result of excavation/dredging work in the reservoir pool and on the land edge of the reservoir pool that is being prepared for venue of PON XXI September 2024. For this reason, it is necessary to arrange the landscape of the disposal area for tourism, sports and greening purposes.

2. Arrangement of the Keuliling Reservoir landscape planned in disposal areas 1 and 2, namely:

– Alternative 1 (there are supporting buildings), with the concept of tourism, interactive playgrounds for children, water tourism (shallow) and sports, which are equipped with supporting building facilities such as toilets, prayer rooms, culinary huts.

– Alternative 2 (without supporting buildings), with the concept of agrotourism, only landscaping by planting fruit trees that are grouped according to their type into their respective zones. Equipped with complementary tourism facilities in the form of buildings for prayer rooms and toilets.

3. Arrangement of the landscape of the UPB Office complex and UPB House Keuliling Reservoir, where in addition to the arrangement of the garden/yard, there is also the addition of 1 UPB mess unit with a capacity of 5 rooms for UPB guests/employees.

4. Landscaping of the existing mushalla area of ​​Keuliling Reservoir with improvements to the appearance of the mushalla by adding a facade around it (adopted from the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh) and arranging a garden in the mushalla area. 5. Landscaping of disposal areas 3, 4 and 5 which are designated for greening and agrotourism, because the location can currently only be reached by boat.

AKNOP Citarum River Flood

Performance evaluation activities are carried out in the office by the evaluation team at the end of the inventory survey period. The performance evaluation process is carried out by matching the values contained in the following table (sourced from the guidelines for the management of built river infrastructure assets) with the values contained in the Inventory Blanks. The final goal of the identification process is the decision on the next OP follow-up action, whether the river infrastructure concerned requires preventive, corrective or rehabilitative maintenance.

Performance evaluation is an evaluation activity carried out continuously from year to year within the OP implementing unit, with the following objectives:

  1. As an instrument of accountability in the use of OP funds and budgets.
  2. As a control instrument for the Directorate of Supervisors regarding OP funds and budgets that have been handed over to the OP Implementing Unit.
  3. As an evaluation instrument for the OP implementing unit so that better performance is created from year to year.
  4. As an assessment instrument to what extent the OP unit has succeeded in providing better services to the community.

Performance evaluation is carried out using the periodic reporting method. The content of the report contains information on the achievement of OP SDA strategic objectives and targets, the achievement of predetermined performance indicators, adequate explanations of performance achievements or failures.

Performers of Performance Evaluation The performers of the performance evaluation activity are the Head of the OP Implementing Unit which is then forwarded to the Head of the Office for submission to the Supervising Directorate.

Performance Evaluation Indicators Performance evaluation must be based on the results of monitoring several indicators relevant to the objectives of OP SDA. Relevant indicators are compiled with the aim of being easily measurable through several clear and understandable parameters for all lines within the OP organization unit as well as the wider community. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of OP SDA implementation covers several factors as mentioned in the following four main factors:

  1. Organizational capacity, which is how much capacity the resources owned by the OP implementing unit have. This factor is closely related to the inputs received/owned by the organization.
  2. Organizational productivity. This factor is not only related to the level of efficiency, or the ratio between input and output, but also the effectiveness of services or the ratio between input and outcome.
  3. Service Quality. This factor is related to the level of community satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the services provided by the OP implementing unit
  4. Responsiveness. This factor is related to the responsiveness of the OP implementing unit to environmental situations outside the organization, or the willingness of the OP implementing unit to hear and accommodate reports of complaints, expectations and aspirations expressed by the community, which is the ability of the OP unit to recognize and respond to priority needs of the community as shown in the agenda and priority of public service and program development.

For an organization, performance is the result of the collaborative activities of members or organizational components in order to realize organizational goals. Simply put, performance is the product of collaborative activities to achieve goals, which is usually called management.

Organizational performance is not only influenced by input factors, but is also strongly influenced by the administrative and management processes that take place. No matter how good the available inputs are, they will not produce the expected performance product satisfactorily, if the administrative and management processes cannot run well. There is a close relationship between input and process, and it is very crucial in generating a performance output that meets expectations or not. Therefore, input indicators and process indicators are just as important as output indicators and outcome indicators in evaluating organizational performance.

If categorized, the factors that must be considered in carrying out performance appraisal are:

a. Input (related to capital).
b. Process (related to implementation management).
c. Output (related to the efficiency of realization).
d. Outcome (related to community satisfaction).
