Supervision of Keuliling Reservoir Rehabilitation

Keuliling River is one of the sub-basins of the Krueng Aceh Watershed which has a large water potential to increase the provision of raw water in order to meet the water needs of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. Based on the study of the development of the Krueng Aceh watershed in 1996, the construction of the Keuliling Reservoir, in addition to meeting the water needs for irrigation of the Krueng Aceh Extension and Krueng Jreue covering an area of ​​3,159.30 Ha, can also support the increase in the area of ​​rain-fed rice fields into technically irrigated rice fields, namely the Keuliling Hilir District covering an area of ​​1,053 Ha, and the Keuliling Hulu District covering an area of ​​578.20 Ha. In addition to raw water and irrigation, the Keuliling Reservoir can be used as an alternative location for sports facilities, including rowing while maintaining the eligibility criteria in accordance with applicable standards.

The location of the Keuliling Reservoir Rehabilitation Supervision Work is located in Cot Glie District, Aceh Besar Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, which is ± 35 km from the center of Banda Aceh towards Medan and can be reached by four-wheeled vehicles within 1 hour.

In the landscape arrangement of Keuliling Reservoir, it refers to the applicable rules and regulations as discussed more fully in the Landscape Report. In addition, it also takes into account existing conditions in the field and the results of coordination and discussions with related parties, especially the directors of the work and the Keuliling Reservoir Dam Management Unit (UPB) as the manager. Several conclusions that can be drawn from the Keuliling Reservoir landscape arrangement plan are:

1. There is a disposal area for landfills that have been leveled with heavy equipment around the Keuliling Reservoir pool as a result of excavation/dredging work in the reservoir pool and on the land edge of the reservoir pool that is being prepared for venue of PON XXI September 2024. For this reason, it is necessary to arrange the landscape of the disposal area for tourism, sports and greening purposes.

2. Arrangement of the Keuliling Reservoir landscape planned in disposal areas 1 and 2, namely:

– Alternative 1 (there are supporting buildings), with the concept of tourism, interactive playgrounds for children, water tourism (shallow) and sports, which are equipped with supporting building facilities such as toilets, prayer rooms, culinary huts.

– Alternative 2 (without supporting buildings), with the concept of agrotourism, only landscaping by planting fruit trees that are grouped according to their type into their respective zones. Equipped with complementary tourism facilities in the form of buildings for prayer rooms and toilets.

3. Arrangement of the landscape of the UPB Office complex and UPB House Keuliling Reservoir, where in addition to the arrangement of the garden/yard, there is also the addition of 1 UPB mess unit with a capacity of 5 rooms for UPB guests/employees.

4. Landscaping of the existing mushalla area of ​​Keuliling Reservoir with improvements to the appearance of the mushalla by adding a facade around it (adopted from the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh) and arranging a garden in the mushalla area. 5. Landscaping of disposal areas 3, 4 and 5 which are designated for greening and agrotourism, because the location can currently only be reached by boat.

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