Rivers are one of the natural resources whose existence is often utilized by humans for various purposes, including for the provision of irrigation water, raw water, industry, transportation and others. However, rivers also often cause problems for humans, including when the river overflows or the river water level is higher than desired by the community around the river or in general terms it is known as causing flooding in the land around the river, especially through densely populated urban areas. The problem of flooding is one of the factors that will affect the river’s capacity. The West Limboto River Basin (DAS) which is included in the Limboto River Basin (WS) covers an area of 91,004 ha, covering eight sub-districts in Gorontalo Regency. The Limboto River Basin (DAS) is part of the Limboto-Bolango-Bone (LBB) River Basin Unit (WS), most of which is located in the Gorontalo Regency area, originating in the Mountains that stretch from north to south and empties into Lake Limboto. Limboto Watershed administratively consists of one district and one city (located in Gorontalo Regency and Gorontalo City). The high intensity of rainfall, especially in the upstream area, has resulted in an increase in the water discharge of the Marisa River and Daenaa River, resulting in flooding in the downstream area of West Limboto District.
In general, the scope of the supervision consultant’s activities is to assist the Sulawesi II River Region Office SNVT for the Implementation of the Sulawesi II Water Source Network in supervising the Construction Implementation or in other words, the supervision consultant uses the Assistance Concept method, meaning that the supervision consultant is fully responsible for all construction supervision activities and is fully responsible for all Design Review drawings, starting from the beginning to the end of the work.
The scope of the supervision consultant’s work in general includes:
1. Carrying out project management (construction management) required in the implementation of this project includes the following work items:
a. Control of the implementation schedule
b. Control of the quality of materials and quality of work
c. Control of the volume of materials submitted
d. Control of the absorption of money carried out
2. Carrying out Engineering Design and Modification during construction includes a review of the design analysis (revision and modification) the analysis carried out by the supervision consultant at this stage includes:
a. Providing recommendations for all calculation analyses carried out
b. Providing recommendations and supervision of detailed construction drawings
c. Supervision based on Technical specifications for fabricated materials
d. Supervision of installation of technical devices used
e. Supervision of the preparation of reports for both civil works and equipment made by the contractor
3. Carrying out reviews, approval of proposed inspection and testing procedures and implementation during fabrication, delivery of goods and installation of materials and test equipment to comply with contract requirements
4. Carrying out supervision of all contractor activities in the field so that existing technical specifications can be followed and implemented properly.
Obstacles faced in the implementation of Flood Control work in the West Limboto Area, namely:
1. Preparation of land for stone material for stone masonry work and prefabricated wire gabion masonry at the location had been hampered by misunderstandings from the landowner.
2. The results of soil excavation from the sudeton for the new river channel had blocked access to farmers’ roads
3. The implementation of K3 in the work, especially for PPE, has not been maximized.
Solution :
1. The contractor and supervision team have coordinated well with the landowner and the local village government.
2. The contractor has moved the excavation results to a place that has been mutually agreed upon.
3. The contractor will immediately implement K3 according to the technical specifications according to the contract