The construction of the Gongseng Dam has been carried out in order to realize water resources infrastructure that can be utilized for irrigation area services that support food security. In addition, the construction of the Gongseng Dam is also prioritized to meet the needs of the community, namely for the provision of raw water for the Bojonegoro Regency area.
With the completion of the physical work of the dam, OP certification is needed so that the dam can immediately operate according to its benefits.
▪ Dam Type: Rock Fill with Vertical Core
▪ Main Dam Height: 34.00 m
▪ “Saddle” Dam Height: 12.00 m
▪ Total Peak Length: 422.00 m
▪ Total Reservoir Capacity: 22.43 million m3
▪ Effective Reservoir Capacity: 14.75 million m3
▪ Dead Reservoir Capacity: 7.68 million m3
▪ Reservoir Area EL. NWL: 288.00 Ha
▪ Inundation Area: 390.65 Ha
▪ Water Catchment Area: 51.21 km2
Benefits of the reservoir:
▪ Provision of irrigation water covering an area of 6,191 Ha
▪ Reducing flooding in Bojonegoro Regency by 176.44 m3/sec
▪ Potential for Microhydro Power Plants of 0.70 MW
▪ As a provider of raw water of 300 Ltr/sec
The condition of the marl rock that has been explained previously for the construction of large dams, it is very necessary to know what type of rock or soil is there, its technical properties and the estimated distribution of its internal mechanisms in the long term. If an earthquake occurs, the sheared zones in the marl layer will be affected and possibly re-formed, so that in the marl that has this sheared zone, groundwater can infiltrate and then act as a weakening plane and potentially trigger a more water-permeable plane.
Due to the conditions that will likely occur during the dam’s operation, foundation repair with grouting is still needed.
Hydromechanical equipment in a dam is included in the important parts that function to facilitate the proper operation of the dam. The scope of this section contains mechanical tools that are useful for channeling the function of reservoir water, therefore hydromechanical equipment must always be ready to be operated at any time, to ensure this, maintenance and maintenance of the equipment must be carried out as much as possible. The following is a list of hydromechanical equipment at the Gongseng Dam.