Flood Control Supervision of Grindulu River and its Tributaries

Grindulu River is the largest and longest river in Pacitan Regency which flows into the southern coast of the Java Sea, in 2009-2010 flood control infrastructure was built in the form of a parapet of river stone pairs, cliff protectors in several locations prone to flooding in the DAS. K. Grindulu.

However, several locations are still prone to river bank erosion which has the potential to threaten the collapse of existing embankments and parapets on the Grindulu River and its tributaries, especially on the outer bends in the river flow which causes flooding in densely populated settlements. For this reason, it is necessary to build cliff protectors to save existing buildings and save the community from material and non-material losses due to flooding. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) of the Republic of Indonesia in this case, the Directorate of Water Resources, one of its functions is to carry out construction work on Water Resources facilities and infrastructure in the field of Water Source Network Implementation to support national food security and water security.

In the 2023 Budget Year, construction work will be carried out on Flood Control of the Grindulu River and its Tributaries in Pacitan Regency. Directorate General of Water Resources, Bengawan Solo River Basin Center, Specific Non-Vertical Work Unit for the Implementation of the Bengawan Solo Water Source Network, intends to carry out Technical Supervision of the Flood Control Work of the Grindulu River and its Tributaries which will be carried out by the Construction Service Provider. To ensure the implementation of the work in accordance with the quality plan, costs and what has been stipulated in the construction service contract, a Supervision Consultant Team is required to act as a construction work supervisor who plays a role in assisting the Specific Non-Vertical Work Unit for the Implementation of the Bengawan Solo Water Source Network in carrying out technical supervision and technical quality assurance at the location of the ongoing activity. The Work Supervision Team in question is the Consulting Service Provider for the Flood Control Supervision Work of the Grindulu River and its Tributaries in Pacitan Regency, East Java Province


The implementation of the construction work of the Grindulu River Flood Control and its Tributaries until the end of the Contract on October 20, 2023 has been completed with the following details:

a) Physical = 100%

b) Financial = 95%  Maintenance Period 5%

However, there are several notes that need to be considered during the maintenance period, including:

1. The contractor is obliged to maintain the neatness and cleanliness of the gabion pair during the flood season which often brings garbage, logs, bamboo clumps/stems or other objects that can damage the gabion weave.

2. The contractor is obliged to maintain the gabion filling, if the gabion filling is reduced, it must be added immediately so that the gabion remains solid.

3. The contractor is obliged to carry out inspections of the gabion pair every time a flood occurs

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