Cirarab River Flood Review

Based on news sources from Warta Kota dated 5/2/2020 about “Severe Flooding, Tangerang City Government Proposes Normalization of the Cirarab River” that after checking the current speed there was a decrease in speed compared to the upstream area of ​​0.5 meters per second due to being blocked by a bridge in Kota Bumi so that normalization was needed.
And based on coordination with the Tangerang Regency BPBD that there were many factors in the flood, especially in the housing area of ​​Gelam Jaya Village which was caused by the overflow of the Cirarab River, that the elevation or embankment for the housing location was not checked for its final elevation, it is likely that the housing land embankment is only parallel to the riverbed so that if a flood occurs, the water will take a long time to recede.
And from the statement of the pump guard and the water gate located in Situ Bulakan regarding the flood in the Cirarab River, there was sedimentation and narrowing in the area of ​​the akong factory located in the District. Sepatan so that river normalization and repair of the embankment are needed, especially the banks of the Cirarab River located in Villa Tomang Baru.
In this regard, the Ciliwung Cisadane River Basin Center needs to conduct a Flood Alert Level Review activity on the Cirarab River, considering the high changes in land use and climate change so that accurate information can be obtained as a basis for taking rapid action in flood disaster preparedness.


  1. Water resource infrastructure in the field includes Water Guessing Posts, Drainage Gates, Embankments, Dams and Other Infrastructure.
  2. There were 3 water guessing posts found in the field. One of them is from the Tangerang Regency BPBD early warning system with an online system. The other two are only in the form of Water Guessing Post (PDA) peilschaals at the Ledug River Estuary and Situ Bulakan Estuary.
  3. There were 9 (nine) water pumps found in the field, including as water discharge from the lake, drainage and the Ledug river estuary.

Of the 9 pumps in areas that are often flooded, there are water gates as a barrier against the entry of backwater from the river into the lake or into housing drainage channels. Some of these pumps are; pumps located at the Situ Bulakan discharge, pumps at the Ledug River Estuary and pumps in several drainage discharges of the Villa Permata Tangerang housing complex, Gelam Jaya Village, Pasar Kemis District.

  1. There are 16 drainage gates on the Cirarab River embankment, but 6 drainage gates are not functioning/damaged/not functioning. The six damaged gates are located in the Villa Permata Tangerang housing complex, Gelam Jaya Village, Pasar Kemis District.
    The position of the drainage gates is almost parallel to the river flow, so the drainage gates function when the river water is in normal conditions. When it rains, the drainage gates are closed and pumps are used to drain water from the drainage.
  2. Most of the Pile cap embankments are on the left of the Cirarab River in Gelam Jaya Village, Pasar Kemis District in the Villa Permata Tangerang housing complex are still in good condition and there are inspection roads, but there are a few cracks that are visible at several points.
  3. The dam infrastructure found along the Cirarab River is the Sarakan Dam. The location of the Sarakan Dam is on the border of Gitung Village and Kosambi Village, Sukadiri District. The dam is still in good condition, but there are several water gates that are damaged. There are 7 doors in total, consisting of four doors with a width of 2.5 m and three doors with a width of 1.5 m. The doors that are damaged are the 3 doors with a width of 2.5 m, which are currently replaced with wooden block partitions. 7. The calculation of the planned flood discharge is carried out using 3 methods, namely the calculation of flood discharge using the HSS method, the calculation of flood discharge using the HEC-HMS software, and the calculation of flood discharge based on AWLR data.

Pengaman Pantai Ibu Supervision Stage 2

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) of the Republic of Indonesia in this case, the Directorate of Water Resources, one of its functions is to carry out the construction of Water Resources facilities and infrastructure in the field of implementing water source networks to support the construction of coastal protection construction facilities. In the 2023 Budget Year, the Supervision work will be carried out for the Construction of Coastal Protection Construction in Ibu District Phase II in West Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province, including the Supervision Work for the Construction of Coastal Protection Construction in Ibu District Phase II.

1. Implementation of Supervision Consultant

In the implementation of supervision consultant there are several notes that need to be considered as a reference for further development improvement.

1. At the location of coastal protection construction, periodic dredging is needed due to sediment carried during the wave season and high tide movement.

2. The utilization of coastal protection construction is handed over to the local village government.

2. Construction Implementation

1. The readiness of the implementing contractor greatly affects the smoothness of the work, namely the readiness of the provision of work equipment and manpower. In particular, technical personnel are prioritized who are experienced in the implementation of Coastal Protection Construction Development in Ibu District Phase II.

2. Before the implementation of the work, coordination with the local community is very necessary, this mainly concerns:

– Use of village facilities, including village roads

– Information to the community regarding the project implementation plan.

3. The role of pre-construction socialization is very necessary, especially considering that the location and objectives of the project have a great influence on the local community.


From the existing conditions, several suggestions for this activity include:

1. To prevent problems that can hamper the implementation of construction, it is advisable that in the auction process for work that is considered to require a fairly high level of technical implementation, contractors participating in the auction are advised to carry out / submit the work implementation method.

2. It is expected that the implementing contractor can place qualified Human Resources, especially field implementers, in order to smooth the implementation of the work.

3. Given the enormous benefits of this project, especially as a safeguard for coastal areas, it is advisable that its handling can be sustainable and synergize with related agencies or institutions.

Penahan Lumpur Sidoarjo Supervision

The existence of the Sidoarjo mudflow is a history and through a long process, occurring since May 29, 2006 and until now there are no signs of stopping. The center or point of the Sidoarjo mudflow is located in Siring Village, approximately 200 meters from the Banjar Panji -1 gas drilling well owned by PT. Lapindo Brantas in Renokenongo Village, Porong District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province. In the latest developments, the phenomenon of hot mudflow is believed to be the activity of forming a mud volcano. Since the enactment of Presidential Regulation no. 21 of 2017, the duties and functions of the Sidoarjo Mudflow Management Agency have been transferred and implemented by the Ministry of PUPR in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of PUPR no. 5 of 2017 by forming the Sidoarjo Mudflow Control Center. The duties and functions are transferred and implemented by the Ministry of PUPR. In connection with the subsurface conditions of the mud retaining embankment which has a very low bearing capacity, causing frequent landslides (sliding). In addition, over time, the weakening of the embankment structure has resulted in seepage at several points on the embankment body. Based on this, handling is needed to restore the function of the mud retaining embankment through the work of Improving/Strengthening the Mud Retaining Embankment which is supervised by the Supervising Consultant through the Mud Retaining Embankment Improvement/Strengthening Supervision work package with the 2023 State Budget funds for the Sidoarjo Mud Control DIPA SNVT.

The purpose of O and P activities is to carry out operation and maintenance activities of the infrastructure and facilities of embankments and spillways so that they can function properly, with the hope of maintaining the service function of embankment reinforcement and preventing flooding and increasing its benefits to support social, economic, cultural and regional development activities. Maintenance is intended to maintain the quality of materials or construction components in a building. Repair and Reinforcement are intended to prevent the spread of deterioration of materials and to restore them to their original condition.

Basic Concepts of Maintenance & Repair:

a. Materials or construction will experience a decrease in quality along with the age of the building. b. Maintenance must be carried out in a planned manner according to the specifications of the materials used and adjusted to environmental conditions that may affect the life of the building
c. Ignoring the maintenance plan will expand and worsen the level of damage to materials or construction components.

d. The selection of quality materials and quality of work, relatively increases the service life will be longer to reduce the maintenance schedule interval.

e. Repair work can be carried out after knowing exactly the cause of the damage and the cause has been addressed.

Inspection accompanied by evaluation of the data records of the monitoring instrumentation results will be able to provide a complete picture of the condition of the mud retaining embankment, both visible on the surface and inside the embankment. All reading and measurement results as well as detailed explanations/descriptions needed to provide an accurate picture of the condition of the reservoir at the time of the inspection must be recorded and archived properly throughout the life of the embankment. Embankment inspections are carried out routinely, periodically and annually. Depending on the purpose and conditions to be obtained from the results of the embankment inspection. Inspection of the building function is simply to answer the question of whether the building can function as planned? While the inspection of the building structure is more directed at whether the construction quality is in accordance with the required technical specifications? Two building inspection paradigms will be introduced to facilitate evaluation and make decisions whether the building is suitable for operation? . In simple terms, the functional inspection of dam buildings can be grouped into 4 categories (reff. World Bank irrigation network inventory work by JICA Consultants, 2002), namely: · Buildings are functioning well · Buildings can still function with constraints · Buildings cannot function well · Buildings cannot function at all · Under certain conditions, dam buildings are in good condition in terms of construction/structure, but cannot function according to plan. To overcome this situation, a review of the arrangement is needed, if this is not possible, the building will be completely renovated.

Dock Supervision Kapal Bale Purbo

This monthly report is generally one of the requirements as stated in the work contract for “Supervision of Sedimentation Handling at Bale Purbo Fishing Boat Pier, Gresik Regency” for the 2023 Budget Year, in accordance with the consultant’s duties and obligations as stated in the ToR, and in accordance with the planned work method. This report presents the progress of the work implementation and a description of all consultant activities. In addition, activity reports and other information regarding problems and follow-up during the implementation of the work are also submitted. All implementation of supervision of physical work activities refers to the results of the planning including:

  •  Design Review Drawings;
  • Calculation of the Budget Plan (RAB);
  • Technical Description of Implementation (Technical Specifications);


1. Supervision Consultant

a. Design revision

1) The task of the Supervision Consultant in addition to carrying out supervision and

quality control of the implementation of construction work is also obliged to make design revisions.

2) While the objectives of the design revision include the following:

– Optimizing the use of existing construction costs.

– Adjusting dimensions, selecting types of construction and increasing the completeness of the building

– Increasing the safety of buildings and the environment and the smooth functioning of buildings, in relation to regional conditions.

b. Realization of Supervision Consultant

1) Realization of the number of manmonts according to the contract of 59.00 mm has been fulfilled

in the field including:

I. Experts

1 Team Leader: 8 People-month

2 Water Resources Engineer: 3 People-month

3 Structure Engineer: 3 People-month

4 Quality Engineer: 3 People-month

5 Quantity Engineer

(Construction Management): 5 People-month

6 Health Safety Engineer: 8 People-month

II Supporting Staff

1. Administration and Finance: 8 People-month

2. Field Supervisor 1\/Inspector I: 5 People-month

3. Surveyor\/Surveyor: 4 People-month

4. CAD Draftsperson/Operator: 4 Person-months 5. Computer Operator: 3 Person-months 6. Office Boy: 5 Person-months

2) Financial Realization

The supervision consultant’s financial realization, according to the contract value of Rp 1,170,051,000.00, has been fully absorbed.

2. Construction Implementation

a. The readiness of the implementing contractor significantly influences the smooth progress of the work, namely the readiness of the provision of work equipment and personnel. Technical personnel, especially those experienced in the construction of water structures, are prioritized.

b. Before the implementation of the work, coordination with the local community is crucial, especially regarding the use of public facilities.

c. Based on the results of the work implementation, there were changes in work items and volume, while the contract value was Rp. 5,948,000,000.00, and the final project value was Rp. 5,948,000,000.00. All funds have been fully absorbed.

Waemese River Flood Supervision

The Waemese River in West Manggarai Regency is a critical river on Flores Island, included in the Flores River Area which is a National Strategic River Area. Every year during the rainy season, the river experiences flooding, inundating residential areas, rice fields, dry fields, and damaging irrigation facilities/infrastructure, public facilities such as highways, offices and other buildings. Severe damage to the river is in the form of erosion of river banks caused by river movements influenced by several factors, including: rainfall characteristics, watershed slope, watershed shape and land use. Meanwhile, the influencing factor is the amount of water that will pass through the river, expressed in the runoff coefficient. The type of soil or soil properties that are sensitive to erosion will affect sediment transport and have an indirect effect on the runoff coefficient.

As a step to improve the damage to the river bank and efforts to control the destructive power of water, and based on the request of the community through the West Manggarai Regency Government and submitted to the government, the Directorate General of Water Resources of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing through the Nusa Tenggara II River Basin Center, NVT Work Unit for the Implementation of the NT II Water Source Network of NTT Province, PPK for River and Coastal Activities II proposed the Continuation of the Construction of Flood Control Facilities/Infrastructure for the Waemese River, Labuan Bajo in West Manggarai Regency which needs to be supervised by a supervisory consultant related to the implementation of construction. In relation to the above fields of activity, the implementation and management of supporting facilities/infrastructure and adequate operational costs for activities are very necessary so that the construction process is carried out in stages that are sustainable, coordinated and measurable according to the expected performance. In this activity, there are requirements for a Business Entity Certificate for Intermediate qualifications, Engineering Supervision classification with Sub-Classification used as a reference, namely RE203 concerning Civil Engineering Construction Work Supervision Services.

Flood Control Supervision in West Limboto Area

Rivers are one of the natural resources whose existence is often utilized by humans for various purposes, including for the provision of irrigation water, raw water, industry, transportation and others. However, rivers also often cause problems for humans, including when the river overflows or the river water level is higher than desired by the community around the river or in general terms it is known as causing flooding in the land around the river, especially through densely populated urban areas. The problem of flooding is one of the factors that will affect the river’s capacity. The West Limboto River Basin (DAS) which is included in the Limboto River Basin (WS) covers an area of ​​91,004 ha, covering eight sub-districts in Gorontalo Regency. The Limboto River Basin (DAS) is part of the Limboto-Bolango-Bone (LBB) River Basin Unit (WS), most of which is located in the Gorontalo Regency area, originating in the Mountains that stretch from north to south and empties into Lake Limboto. Limboto Watershed administratively consists of one district and one city (located in Gorontalo Regency and Gorontalo City). The high intensity of rainfall, especially in the upstream area, has resulted in an increase in the water discharge of the Marisa River and Daenaa River, resulting in flooding in the downstream area of ​​West Limboto District.

In general, the scope of the supervision consultant’s activities is to assist the Sulawesi II River Region Office SNVT for the Implementation of the Sulawesi II Water Source Network in supervising the Construction Implementation or in other words, the supervision consultant uses the Assistance Concept method, meaning that the supervision consultant is fully responsible for all construction supervision activities and is fully responsible for all Design Review drawings, starting from the beginning to the end of the work.

The scope of the supervision consultant’s work in general includes:

1. Carrying out project management (construction management) required in the implementation of this project includes the following work items:

a. Control of the implementation schedule

b. Control of the quality of materials and quality of work

c. Control of the volume of materials submitted

d. Control of the absorption of money carried out

2. Carrying out Engineering Design and Modification during construction includes a review of the design analysis (revision and modification) the analysis carried out by the supervision consultant at this stage includes:

a. Providing recommendations for all calculation analyses carried out

b. Providing recommendations and supervision of detailed construction drawings

c. Supervision based on Technical specifications for fabricated materials

d. Supervision of installation of technical devices used

e. Supervision of the preparation of reports for both civil works and equipment made by the contractor

3. Carrying out reviews, approval of proposed inspection and testing procedures and implementation during fabrication, delivery of goods and installation of materials and test equipment to comply with contract requirements

4. Carrying out supervision of all contractor activities in the field so that existing technical specifications can be followed and implemented properly.

Obstacles faced in the implementation of Flood Control work in the West Limboto Area, namely:

1. Preparation of land for stone material for stone masonry work and prefabricated wire gabion masonry at the location had been hampered by misunderstandings from the landowner.

2. The results of soil excavation from the sudeton for the new river channel had blocked access to farmers’ roads

3. The implementation of K3 in the work, especially for PPE, has not been maximized.

Solution :

1. The contractor and supervision team have coordinated well with the landowner and the local village government.

2. The contractor has moved the excavation results to a place that has been mutually agreed upon.

3. The contractor will immediately implement K3 according to the technical specifications according to the contract

Flood Control Supervision of Grindulu River and its Tributaries

Grindulu River is the largest and longest river in Pacitan Regency which flows into the southern coast of the Java Sea, in 2009-2010 flood control infrastructure was built in the form of a parapet of river stone pairs, cliff protectors in several locations prone to flooding in the DAS. K. Grindulu.

However, several locations are still prone to river bank erosion which has the potential to threaten the collapse of existing embankments and parapets on the Grindulu River and its tributaries, especially on the outer bends in the river flow which causes flooding in densely populated settlements. For this reason, it is necessary to build cliff protectors to save existing buildings and save the community from material and non-material losses due to flooding. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) of the Republic of Indonesia in this case, the Directorate of Water Resources, one of its functions is to carry out construction work on Water Resources facilities and infrastructure in the field of Water Source Network Implementation to support national food security and water security.

In the 2023 Budget Year, construction work will be carried out on Flood Control of the Grindulu River and its Tributaries in Pacitan Regency. Directorate General of Water Resources, Bengawan Solo River Basin Center, Specific Non-Vertical Work Unit for the Implementation of the Bengawan Solo Water Source Network, intends to carry out Technical Supervision of the Flood Control Work of the Grindulu River and its Tributaries which will be carried out by the Construction Service Provider. To ensure the implementation of the work in accordance with the quality plan, costs and what has been stipulated in the construction service contract, a Supervision Consultant Team is required to act as a construction work supervisor who plays a role in assisting the Specific Non-Vertical Work Unit for the Implementation of the Bengawan Solo Water Source Network in carrying out technical supervision and technical quality assurance at the location of the ongoing activity. The Work Supervision Team in question is the Consulting Service Provider for the Flood Control Supervision Work of the Grindulu River and its Tributaries in Pacitan Regency, East Java Province


The implementation of the construction work of the Grindulu River Flood Control and its Tributaries until the end of the Contract on October 20, 2023 has been completed with the following details:

a) Physical = 100%

b) Financial = 95%  Maintenance Period 5%

However, there are several notes that need to be considered during the maintenance period, including:

1. The contractor is obliged to maintain the neatness and cleanliness of the gabion pair during the flood season which often brings garbage, logs, bamboo clumps/stems or other objects that can damage the gabion weave.

2. The contractor is obliged to maintain the gabion filling, if the gabion filling is reduced, it must be added immediately so that the gabion remains solid.

3. The contractor is obliged to carry out inspections of the gabion pair every time a flood occurs

Flood Supervision Kali Konto Hilir

In order to improve the welfare and quality of life of the community, the government, in this case through the Brantas River Basin Center, always strives to implement management in the field of Water Resources, including those concerning aspects of Water Damage Control. The Jombang Regency area also has and is crossed by several rivers, including the Brantas River which has several tributaries, namely the Konto River, Jarak River, Pakel River, Gunting River, and others. In addition, in Jombang Regency there are also several reservoirs and reservoirs including the Kepuhrejo Reservoir, Grogol Reservoir, Sidowayah Reservoir, and Brumbung Reservoir. The flood that submerged the Konto River, especially in 2021, was one of the worst in the last 10 years. Floods almost evenly occurred on this river after the Selorejo Reservoir, namely from the Ngantang area, Malang Regency to several areas in Gondang Manis and Bandar Kedung Mulyo, Jombang Regency. The Kali Konto Watershed located in the Bandar Kedung Mulyo area is an area that is the main artery of traffic in East Java where there is a bridge connecting the Surabaya-Madiun route and also the Surabaya-Madiun railway bridge. Based on this, in the 2023 Budget Year, the Brantas River Basin Center through the PPK River and Coast III, SNVT Implementation of the Brantas Water Source Network carried out mentoring activities in the form of supervision of the implementation of development through construction supervision work so that results can be obtained that are in accordance with existing technical specifications and good quality/quality and on time

Based on the Terms of Reference (TOR) in the agreement letter (Unit Price Contract) Number: PB.03.01-Am.07.3/2023/SPV Konto dated: March 28, 2023, between PPK River and Coast III, SNVT Implementation of Brantas Water Source Network, Brantas River Basin Center with PT.Globetek Glory

KS0 Consultant CV.Atrium Architect Consultant Designer KSO CV.Karya

Gemilang, as a Provider of Flood Control Construction Supervision Services for the Konto Hilir River in Jombang Regency. PT.Globetek Glory Konsultan KS0 CV.Atrium Architect Consultant Designer KSO

CV.Karya Gemilang carried out supervision work for 8 months starting from March 28, 2023 to November 24, 2023. The supervision task given was an assist concept in the implementation of the Construction Work of the Flood Control Development of the Kali Konto Hilir in Jombang Regency. The supervision contract given by PT.Globetek Glory Konsultan KS0 CV.Atrium

Architect Consultant Designer KSO CV.Karya Gemilang has undergone 2 (two) changes as stated in the Addendum to the contract, each of which has a different reason. The task of the Supervision Consultant in addition to carrying out supervision and quality control of the implementation of construction work is also obliged to make design revisions. The purpose of making the design revisions includes Optimizing the use of existing construction costs, Adjusting dimensions, selecting the type of construction and increasing the completeness of the building and Increasing the safety of buildings and the environment and the smooth functioning of the building, in relation to the conditions of the work location. And during the implementation of construction, the readiness of the implementing contractor is expected to greatly affect the smoothness of the work, namely the readiness of the provision of work equipment and manpower. In particular, technical personnel are prioritized who are experienced in carrying out the work. Before the implementation of the work, coordination with the local community is very necessary, this especially concerns the use of village facilities, including village roads, land that can be used for stock of work materials. Information to the community regarding the project implementation plan and the role of ocialization

Gongseng Dam OP Certification

The construction of the Gongseng Dam has been carried out in order to realize water resources infrastructure that can be utilized for irrigation area services that support food security. In addition, the construction of the Gongseng Dam is also prioritized to meet the needs of the community, namely for the provision of raw water for the Bojonegoro Regency area.

With the completion of the physical work of the dam, OP certification is needed so that the dam can immediately operate according to its benefits.

▪ Dam Type: Rock Fill with Vertical Core

▪ Main Dam Height: 34.00 m

▪ “Saddle” Dam Height: 12.00 m

▪ Total Peak Length: 422.00 m

▪ Total Reservoir Capacity: 22.43 million m3

▪ Effective Reservoir Capacity: 14.75 million m3

▪ Dead Reservoir Capacity: 7.68 million m3

▪ Reservoir Area EL. NWL: 288.00 Ha

▪ Inundation Area: 390.65 Ha

▪ Water Catchment Area: 51.21 km2

Benefits of the reservoir:

▪ Provision of irrigation water covering an area of ​​6,191 Ha

▪ Reducing flooding in Bojonegoro Regency by 176.44 m3/sec

▪ Potential for Microhydro Power Plants of 0.70 MW

▪ As a provider of raw water of 300 Ltr/sec


The condition of the marl rock that has been explained previously for the construction of large dams, it is very necessary to know what type of rock or soil is there, its technical properties and the estimated distribution of its internal mechanisms in the long term. If an earthquake occurs, the sheared zones in the marl layer will be affected and possibly re-formed, so that in the marl that has this sheared zone, groundwater can infiltrate and then act as a weakening plane and potentially trigger a more water-permeable plane.

Due to the conditions that will likely occur during the dam’s operation, foundation repair with grouting is still needed.


Hydromechanical equipment in a dam is included in the important parts that function to facilitate the proper operation of the dam. The scope of this section contains mechanical tools that are useful for channeling the function of reservoir water, therefore hydromechanical equipment must always be ready to be operated at any time, to ensure this, maintenance and maintenance of the equipment must be carried out as much as possible. The following is a list of hydromechanical equipment at the Gongseng Dam.

Soamaetek Leleoto Review

The agricultural sector is one of the sectors prioritized for development this year. Stable national food security is one of the main goals of the current government program. There are several problems in the agricultural sector, including the reduction in the area of ​​land converted into plantations, the entry of imported rice into Indonesia, and the increase in the need for rice. The above matters make the agricultural sector important to maintain and develop. In accordance with the North Halmahera WS PSDA Pattern which was prepared in 2020, in the North Halmahera WS there are proposals / potential irrigation areas that can be developed but have not been included in the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works Number 14 of 2015. In the context of developing new Irrigation Areas or increasing existing irrigation land in the North Halmahera WS, one of which is DI. Soamaetek covering an area of ​​223 Ha, DI. Kusuri covering an area of ​​178 Ha and DI. Paca-Leleoto covering an area of ​​159 Ha, where the irrigation area is part of North Halmahera Regency, has very good potential in terms of soil conditions, topography, and water sources. Therefore, in the 2023 Budget Year through the Head of the Water Resources Division of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service of North Halmahera Regency, the Planning Review of DI. Soamaetek, DI. Kusuri, and DI. Paca – Leleoto will be carried out.

In the supplementary channel, there is an existing water gate that functions to irrigate rice fields in Leleoto Village where the water gate belongs to the Agriculture Service in North Halmahera Regency. From interviews with residents and farmers at the activity location when heavy rain occurs, the supplementary channel is unable to accommodate rainwater so that water overflows from the supplementary channel into the rice fields. And with the presence of the water gate, the water flow in the supplementary channel becomes not smooth because the water gate is too small. Farmers hope that the water gate will be dismantled and enlarged so that it does not obstruct the flow of water during floods and the supplementary channel will be widened again. Our suggestion is that because the asset belongs to the Agriculture Service, we cannot dismantle the water gate, so we suggest that the water gate be dismantled and replaced with a larger water gate design by first coordinating with the Agriculture Service.
