Kuala Kampar Beach Security SID

The work location is on the coast in Kuala Kampar District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. Kuala Kampar District is spread across separate locations bordered by islands with 9 villages and 1 sub-district. The largest island is Mendol or Penyalai Island where the capital of Kuala Kampar District is located, namely Teluk Dalam Village. On this island there are 6 villages and 1 sub-district, one village on Serapung Island and two villages on the side of Sumatra Island, namely Sokoi Village and Sungai Emas Village which also border Indragiri Hilir Regency. On Mendol Island there is a DIR under the authority of the center, namely DIR Sei Upih with an area of ​​4200 Ha and DIR Sei. Solok with an area of ​​3020 Ha. Both of these Swamp Irrigation Areas are classified as Hydrotopography A so that they are greatly influenced by the ebb and flow of sea water.
Hydrodynamic conditions of the waters around Mendol Island. Seen when the condition where the water level reaches the maximum height, the water current around the island looks calmer and when the time of the maximum water level is approaching low tide, the current speed starts to increase to > 0.84 m / s in the West season.
Hydrodynamic conditions of the waters around Mendol Island. Seen when the lowest low tide conditions, the water current around the island also looks calmer and when the time of the maximum water level is approaching high tide, the current speed starts to increase to > 0.96 m / s, especially in the strait on Mendol Island in the West season.
From the results of the analysis of both primary and secondary data and the needs at the location, the coastal protection design at the work location is planned to consist of Revetment, Breakwater, Jetty and Groin.

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