The Waemese River in West Manggarai Regency is a critical river on Flores Island, included in the Flores River Area which is a National Strategic River Area. Every year during the rainy season, the river experiences flooding, inundating residential areas, rice fields, dry fields, and damaging irrigation facilities/infrastructure, public facilities such as highways, offices and other buildings. Severe damage to the river is in the form of erosion of river banks caused by river movements influenced by several factors, including: rainfall characteristics, watershed slope, watershed shape and land use. Meanwhile, the influencing factor is the amount of water that will pass through the river, expressed in the runoff coefficient. The type of soil or soil properties that are sensitive to erosion will affect sediment transport and have an indirect effect on the runoff coefficient.
As a step to improve the damage to the river bank and efforts to control the destructive power of water, and based on the request of the community through the West Manggarai Regency Government and submitted to the government, the Directorate General of Water Resources of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing through the Nusa Tenggara II River Basin Center, NVT Work Unit for the Implementation of the NT II Water Source Network of NTT Province, PPK for River and Coastal Activities II proposed the Continuation of the Construction of Flood Control Facilities/Infrastructure for the Waemese River, Labuan Bajo in West Manggarai Regency which needs to be supervised by a supervisory consultant related to the implementation of construction. In relation to the above fields of activity, the implementation and management of supporting facilities/infrastructure and adequate operational costs for activities are very necessary so that the construction process is carried out in stages that are sustainable, coordinated and measurable according to the expected performance. In this activity, there are requirements for a Business Entity Certificate for Intermediate qualifications, Engineering Supervision classification with Sub-Classification used as a reference, namely RE203 concerning Civil Engineering Construction Work Supervision Services.