Flood Supervision Kali Konto Hilir

In order to improve the welfare and quality of life of the community, the government, in this case through the Brantas River Basin Center, always strives to implement management in the field of Water Resources, including those concerning aspects of Water Damage Control. The Jombang Regency area also has and is crossed by several rivers, including the Brantas River which has several tributaries, namely the Konto River, Jarak River, Pakel River, Gunting River, and others. In addition, in Jombang Regency there are also several reservoirs and reservoirs including the Kepuhrejo Reservoir, Grogol Reservoir, Sidowayah Reservoir, and Brumbung Reservoir. The flood that submerged the Konto River, especially in 2021, was one of the worst in the last 10 years. Floods almost evenly occurred on this river after the Selorejo Reservoir, namely from the Ngantang area, Malang Regency to several areas in Gondang Manis and Bandar Kedung Mulyo, Jombang Regency. The Kali Konto Watershed located in the Bandar Kedung Mulyo area is an area that is the main artery of traffic in East Java where there is a bridge connecting the Surabaya-Madiun route and also the Surabaya-Madiun railway bridge. Based on this, in the 2023 Budget Year, the Brantas River Basin Center through the PPK River and Coast III, SNVT Implementation of the Brantas Water Source Network carried out mentoring activities in the form of supervision of the implementation of development through construction supervision work so that results can be obtained that are in accordance with existing technical specifications and good quality/quality and on time

Based on the Terms of Reference (TOR) in the agreement letter (Unit Price Contract) Number: PB.03.01-Am.07.3/2023/SPV Konto dated: March 28, 2023, between PPK River and Coast III, SNVT Implementation of Brantas Water Source Network, Brantas River Basin Center with PT.Globetek Glory

KS0 Consultant CV.Atrium Architect Consultant Designer KSO CV.Karya

Gemilang, as a Provider of Flood Control Construction Supervision Services for the Konto Hilir River in Jombang Regency. PT.Globetek Glory Konsultan KS0 CV.Atrium Architect Consultant Designer KSO

CV.Karya Gemilang carried out supervision work for 8 months starting from March 28, 2023 to November 24, 2023. The supervision task given was an assist concept in the implementation of the Construction Work of the Flood Control Development of the Kali Konto Hilir in Jombang Regency. The supervision contract given by PT.Globetek Glory Konsultan KS0 CV.Atrium

Architect Consultant Designer KSO CV.Karya Gemilang has undergone 2 (two) changes as stated in the Addendum to the contract, each of which has a different reason. The task of the Supervision Consultant in addition to carrying out supervision and quality control of the implementation of construction work is also obliged to make design revisions. The purpose of making the design revisions includes Optimizing the use of existing construction costs, Adjusting dimensions, selecting the type of construction and increasing the completeness of the building and Increasing the safety of buildings and the environment and the smooth functioning of the building, in relation to the conditions of the work location. And during the implementation of construction, the readiness of the implementing contractor is expected to greatly affect the smoothness of the work, namely the readiness of the provision of work equipment and manpower. In particular, technical personnel are prioritized who are experienced in carrying out the work. Before the implementation of the work, coordination with the local community is very necessary, this especially concerns the use of village facilities, including village roads, land that can be used for stock of work materials. Information to the community regarding the project implementation plan and the role of ocialization

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